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So N. Ribadu got kicked out. So what? I don't give a hoot if that arrogant, self-serving gherkin got shoved away. The EFCC under him had been nothing but an instrument of intimidation, coercion and brutality, simply fashioned out to whip PDP's (or rather Obj's) opposition/opponents, both real and imagined, in "order". And Ribadu did his job so well. It is karma. Saura ma su kame shi tukun.


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on January 01, 2008, 03:58:01 PM
So N. Ribadu got kicked out. So what? I don't give a hoot if that arrogant, self-serving gherkin got shoved away. The EFCC under him had been nothing but an instrument of intimidation, coercion and brutality, simply fashioned out to whip PDP's (or rather Obj's) opposition/opponents, both real and imagined, in "order". And Ribadu did his job so well. It is karma. Saura ma su kame shi tukun.

Well what ever Nuhu Ribadu did, its like someone said, whether they were ObJ or PDP opponents, all of them were corrupt and that's what counts. So in so far as sun ci kudin talaka, then kamu da hukunci ya hau kansu.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Is it really true that James Ibori is really behind this scenario? He is one of the top funders of Yar Adu'as campaign.
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Quote from: HUSNAA on January 01, 2008, 09:48:01 PM
Well what ever Nuhu Ribadu did, its like someone said, whether they were ObJ or PDP opponents, all of them were corrupt and that's what counts. So in so far as sun ci kudin talaka, then kamu da hukunci ya hau kansu.
Ko a musulunci ba'a yarda da ayi amfani da zalunci don gyaran zalunci ba! The old saying of two wrongs do not make a right pop up here. We are talking about selective "justice" here. I mean, I'm all for EFCC stopping corruption and punishing the corrupt(s). But when it is nothing but a tool use by The Corrupt, not to really eradicate/stop corrucption, but solely for vindictiveness, it is all rubbish. And Ribadu got what he deserved. He should know. Like ~muda~ stated, that's how politics is played here. Ribadu abused his position, trampling on everyone (guilty or not) with impunity and without a care in the world. He was the Police and the Judge at the same time. Well, he served his master. Got used. And dumped. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on January 02, 2008, 12:27:23 PM
Quote from: HUSNAA on January 01, 2008, 09:48:01 PM
Well what ever Nuhu Ribadu did, its like someone said, whether they were ObJ or PDP opponents, all of them were corrupt and that's what counts. So in so far as sun ci kudin talaka, then kamu da hukunci ya hau kansu.
Ko a musulunci ba'a yarda da ayi amfani da zalunci don gyaran zalunci ba! The old saying of two wrongs do not make a right pop up here. We are talking about selective "justice" here. I mean, I'm all for EFCC stopping corruption and punishing the corrupt(s). But when it is nothing but a tool use by The Corrupt, not to really eradicate/stop corrucption, but solely for vindictiveness, it is all rubbish. And Ribadu got what he deserved. He should know. Like ~muda~ stated, that's how politics is played here. Ribadu abused his position, trampling on everyone (guilty or not) with impunity and without a care in the world. He was the Police and the Judge at the same time. Well, he served his master. Got used. And dumped. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Lol someone sounds very angry!!  ;D
Anyway, I will tell you what; Desperate times call for desperate measures. This is what happened. The tactics used by Ribadu were needed, and infact they were quite mild. Besides this has nothing to do with religion. It takes a thief to catch a thief a ka ce. Kuma ba zalunci bane, anyway. its simple common sense on the part of Ribadu. You c someone had to do the job of weeding out the worse from the bad.  NR had to listen to his masters in order to be let alone to carry out his onerous unenviable thankless job. If he had gone against the wishes of his bosses and practiced ba sani ba sabo in its pristine form, ai then he'd have to query his bosses as well, and that wont do, cos he'd be out on his ears before he could shout "Wayyo ni Ribadu!" So by playing it softly softly he'd  managed to purge a lot of smelly hydrogen sulphide political and financial eggs, while managing to keep on to his seat. Now with the exit of OBJ, we should have seen Ribadu in his element, if only this sickly mouse of a president would have supported him. If he had the support of this presidency and no one to meddle in his affairs, he would have been in the position to practice ba sani ba sabo in the purest sense of the phrase, and that would mean roping in all the old guards plus the ex prez and many many others we dont know about.
Yanzu da akai masa haka, anyone who becomes the next EFCC chief zai rika sara yana duban bakin gatarin sa, which is not a good turn of affairs for the economic health of this nation. Shi kenan kuma corruption  ya sake samin kaffaffen gidin zama.

Why oh why oh why cant we learn to over look the lesser evil of two evils for the sake of the greater good eh? :-\ :(
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on January 01, 2008, 03:58:01 PM
So N. Ribadu got kicked out. So what? I don't give a hoot if that arrogant, self-serving gherkin got shoved away. The EFCC under him had been nothing but an instrument of intimidation, coercion and brutality, simply fashioned out to whip PDP's (or rather Obj's) opposition/opponents, both real and imagined, in "order". And Ribadu did his job so well. It is karma. Saura ma su kame shi tukun.

Sound so harsh Bakan~Gizo. Think the issue actually needs second look but not something like this. Personally I believe so Ribadu was but later, when considering some of his arrests, invitaion, etc I gather a certain data which I can call; Ribadu did both--serve for the interest of OBJ and PDP and simultaneosly did the job he's rightly supposed to do i.e hunting for barayi da ta'annaci da kudin govt.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


BKG don't only judge Ribadu by the political Arrests he made.
Take a look at the 419 cases they treated,the many 'yahoo yahoo' cafe's they busted and closed (especially in Lagos) and alot of other fraudulent financial cases they've busted.
I was browsing about a year back at a cafe in beirut road when an EFCC official came busting into the cafe and ordered a guy sending spam and 419 mails out of the cafe. The guy without hesitation went out.
So Ribadu has done alot whatever the case.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


QuoteWhy oh why oh why cant we learn to over look the lesser evil of two evils for the sake of the greater good eh

Bcos life ain't suppose to be lived like that. 'Cos it ain't right, religiously or otherwise. Repeat, you can't use evil to fight evil, and then attempt to justify it. It is not  a case of "weeding out worse from the bad". That's too simplistic a way of putting it. There are worse thieves around than the ones arrested and prosecuted by "Czar Ribadu". So where's the point of taking out  worse  from  the  bad?   Even  he  inadvertently  admitted  as  much  on the eve of last year's (s)election, when the famous "list of the indicted" was drafted, reviewed, redrafted and released, with names of obvious thieves removed and replaced with others. I'm here talking about the corruption advisory list issued on the instruction of President Obasanjo and his party, the PDP which led to the illegal disqualifications of all strong opposition members. It is a measure of the extent of that illegality that many election results are being reversed by tribunals including those of five state governors and still counting. What about the celebrated case of Bode George? The EFCC (and indeed Nigerians!) had a clear, watertight case against him, only for Ribadu to turn around and shamelessly told Nigerians that Bode George is 'only' a board member of NPA, not the chief executive, so he has no case to answer of the stolen billions.

Was it not Ribadu who vouched for the integrity of Obasanjo at a time when he stole well over 50 billion dollars through highly inflated contracts, illegal duty waivers and concessions, mismanagement of the Federations Account and scandalous NNPC transactions and a most criminal, privatization of public enterprised to his business associates and cronies? When Obasanjo embarked on total genocidal war against his political and business opponents, the EFCC became the most useful and loyal force that was used, with Ribadu as his lap dog.

Are you guys saying all these were justifiable, and are actually NEEDED to fight corruption?

I don't think a "mere" commando-like approach on Internet Cafes to weed out 419ers can overshadow the obvious shortcomings and failings of Ribadu and the Gestapo-EFCC. So the EFCC busted 419ers? Good. Fine. Personally, I would have loved Ribadu to have dealt with the biggest 419 of our time - last year's election, of which he was one of the gladiators along with Obj and Maurice Iwu. Are there greater 419ers than them?

Again, good riddance to bad rubbish.


Quote from: HUSNAA on January 02, 2008, 01:13:33 PM
Lol someone sounds very angry!!  ;D

Yes, Bakangizo has every right to be angrily, AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHSSSSSS

Quote from: HUSNAA on January 02, 2008, 01:13:33 PM
Anyway, I will tell you what; Desperate times call for desperate measures. This is what happened. The tactics used by Ribadu were needed, and infact they were quite mild. Besides this has nothing to do with religion. It takes a thief to catch a thief a ka ce. Kuma ba zalunci bane, anyway.

I am surprised to hear this from Auntyn Muhsin of all, so you agree that some
times we shouldnt go by the book!. 

What the hell is happening! just because ance mutum ya tafi ya karo ilimi sai
ya zama abin surutu, who is Ribadu by the way?  It was favouritism that
brought him to this post, if not there are officers far above his rank that are
supposed to be given that appointed, amma ina, sai aka yi administrative tactics
by Obasanjo & Atiku aka dora shi akan wannan matsayin.  Just imagine you
are senior in rank to Ribadu.  All these came and its gone, now he has been
asked by the same people who appointed him to go back to school and develop
more skills to be able to manage whichever office he is coming back to take.

By the way, why would he even start thinking that he doesnt want to go back
to school?  irin sa nawa a cikin police force? ordinary public officer ma yana da
bakin magana ne?

I supported him before, but now, its over.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: Dan-Borno on January 03, 2008, 11:20:28 AM
I supported him before, but now, its over.

DB Ina gani da alama u only give yr support to those in power and once they are out of it, u withdraw the support.... not a good thing at all... have loyalty throu thick and thin :-\ :-\.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


How did you figure that out?

To be candid AUntyn MUhsin, that is how it is supposed to be,
we just cant fight reality, its better we support government
of the day to change and be better than calling it names and
frustrating it more worse.

Its just like a misbehaving child, you either put him to the right
track or ka tsine mishi - which one will you adopt?

The same logic applies.

When Babangida was in power we cried
When Abatcha took over we cried and shouted
When we elected Obasanjo we cried, shouted and fainted
that is because we dont appreciate any leadership in this country,
we should support, pray and encourage them using whatever means
available at out disposal.

Our journalist (Irin su Jibo Nura & his colleagues) never write anything
positive about our leaders, at the end of the day they succeed in
adding more salt to the wound.

Sai a hankula da lallami ake samun kan masu mulki.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak

dan kauye

As a Nigerian,it's almost innate for me to identify with the expressed pessimism upon which this very thread hinges.But what I find strikingly disappointing,disturbing even,is the collective apathy that seem to have become a tight-fitting second skin for the Nigerian masses.Delusional nationalism apart,I truly believe that Nigeria is a failed State,and that failure,however ,lies in part with the Nigerian masses.It's a sad paradox that the ''giant of Africa'' is, in fact, the giant of failure.To the like of Nuradeen,Waziri,Husna,I'm certain that your collective efforts  make more difference(s) than meets the eye.What you don't find in hope can't be found in hopelessness.I'm saying..

As for Mr. Ribadu,as is with Mr El-Rufai,to be sure,he's NOT without the epidemic of curruption that's so plaguing the country,but given the ever imposing volume of corruption,immorality and mismanagement,his efforts are,at the very least laudable.He's the lesser of many evils,for lack of better words.The confiscation of the embezzled N500 billion from currupt officials is a testament to that.Where all these monies goes to,however,is a different story.Allah ya shirya!
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


 "you can't use evil to fight evil', says BKG. What Nuhu Ribadu did was not evil. Let's face it you takes a thief to catch a thief, though I am not saying that Nuhu Ribadu is a thief. What I am saying is that he had to use all available means and tactics at his disposal. I am not being simplistic. I think its u guys who dont believe in what NR was doing that are being simplistic.  U know that saying that a stitch in time saves nine? Well supposing that stitch was neglected, one would have to make a patchwork of it. That's what happened with Nigeria. The rip  became so large that only drastic measures could cure the ills.
We have experienced how the due process of law never worked in Nigeria before. Which was why all the heavy weight  government thieves could go scot free without being punished. What triggered the conscience of law courts to stand by right instead of wrong was the advent of EFCC and its corruption weeding tactics. There would have been no point in a person being brought to book by the EFCC with iron clad charges of corruption against him, and so much hype and publicity only to have the courts acquit him. It would further diminish their integrity.
Suma din the ones that were supposed to be 'yan lele,  a hankali they would have been brought to book by the EFCC. Anyway, Only Allah SWT HAS the Means and Capability of satisfying 6billion plus humans at all times. It is not possible for a human  to do the same. Thus NR will have his detractors as well as his supporters. I always identify with the underdog, that is why I cannot support 'Yar adua as president or his decision to get rid of Nuhu Ribadu.

As for DB, Fickleness is not a good character trait. Dont always decide to stick to where u think yr bread will be buttered, instead stick to yr principles.. although I think that one of those principles of yours is that "if u cant beat them......" ;D

Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on January 07, 2008, 08:31:38 AM
As for DB, Fickleness is not a good character trait. Dont always decide to stick to where u think yr bread will be buttered, instead stick to yr principles.. although I think that one of those principles of yours is that "if u cant beat them......" ;D

Haba dai, its useless to stick to principles, when the principle
will not achieve positive results.  Ra'ayin rikau will not solve
the problem of Nigeria - support then guide, thats the easiest
way to excel, amma ba irin ra'ayinki da Nura ba.  You dont see
anything good about NIgerian leadership.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


So indicting innocent ppl as thieves, while allowing "biggerthieves" to continue to have a field day is not evil? Do you know govs like Odili are forced at gun point, while others are threaten by trumped-up charges by the EFCC to withdraw their presidential ambition for "Yaradua?. That is not evil? Isn't it ironic and contradictary that the President ('Yar'adua) you refused to acknowledge, that you kept on insisting that he lacks legitimacy, was brought on to power by Ribadu's help? All the scheming, the intimidation, the arrests, the 419 results were largely orchestrated by the EFCC? Funny you would support Ribadu, and not 'Yar'adua. One is the product of the other, you know.