Kanoonline JAIL, BEWARE!

Started by Kanolicious, January 28, 2004, 06:11:37 PM

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>:(Hello to all, ?:(

I hereby introduce myself as Kanolicious A.K.A ?Kanoonline C.I.A.

I come with no MUTUNCI, who eva disrespect the Kanoonline rules, will goto Kanoonline JAIL with no Mercy!

I hereby announce the escape of DANBANZA RELOADED who has murdered 35 agents & escaped from Kanoonline JAIL last nite, if anyone knows anything about his wherebouts, should contact us immediately.

DanBanza Reloaded: Reward $50,000
e bring Justice in K-Online!


HA! C.I.A?
How comes u r looking 4 them then?
It seems u r not doing ur job right.
As such as your superior i demand 2 c ur resignation letter immediately, ba MUTUNCHI.

Dear Kanoonliners,
this is 2 inform any1 who is interest 4 the job, which was 4maly done by kanoni.....us should post his/her application.
If all the trees on earth were pen
and all the sea, with seven more besides, was ink,
God's words would not run dry


So i want u 2 arrest Kofa n Tsumburbura, b'cos zey r ze most notorious members in zis site, zey habe eben alleged a pake accusation zat zey INEC oppicials habe collected bribe prom us A.O.P.P ze winning party.

Saboda haka i want u 2 make a research about zem u will c zat i'm not lying.

An gibe us ur pool introduction, JJC!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Yeah man, arrest Tsimbirra for the karya she did  about the bribery!

Abeg make u lock them for sail.


Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي



Due to further circumstances, the reward is now $100,000
for ANY information of DanBanza or his wherebouts!

Someone reported earlier this morning that he was seen
in the early hours of today Hijaking a couple on their way
to Kwantagora. Anyone who know his wherebouts should
immediately report!

Beware, this fellow is dangerous & well armed!
e bring Justice in K-Online!


thanks man for coming to our rescue.and there is makahon ingila in this site.
n GOD i trust


 :-X  :o:-X  :o:-X  :o:-X

Dansanda  :o
oyayya ruwan zuma, in kasha......


?:-X ?:o:-X ?:o:-X ?:o:-X

Dansanda ?:o

shiga ruwa kazama KADA.
n GOD i trust


Assalamu alaikum,
Kanolacious, your uniform look more like that of a Pilot or Dan Agaji but you claim to be a Police..........
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


lol! hehehehe  ;D
may b he's an air police!
 just realised that nothing is what it seems.


Haba, why una de afraid of dis no where police!!!, Do wat ever  u like, not only break the law, u a licenced to kill the law, but with one condition:
Ur pocket must be heavy hefty. Remember na Nija police he be.


QuoteHaba, why una de afraid of dis no where police!!!, Do wat ever ?u like, not only break the law, u a licenced to kill the law, but with one condition:
Ur pocket must be heavy hefty. Remember na Nija police he be.

Yeah man, soon the onlinerz will spoil him with chuwa-chuwa!
Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي


Kai Kai KaI.......
I hope this dan sanda will adhere to the "do and dont" ummita preached to us @ Daily Nasiha to Forum Members. Cos chuwa-chuwa na Kaba'eer to Kabari direct..


QuoteAssalamu alaikum,
Kanolacious, your uniform look more like that of a Pilot or Dan Agaji but you claim to be a Police..........

Ina jin wannan shine uniporm din kanoonline porce ne!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Yau akeyinta a kanoonline :o  ;D

wayaga dan bindiga  ;D  ???  ko wa zai kama?