Started by hafiz amin umar, December 29, 2007, 11:10:18 PM

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As already pointed out by DB, who on God's earth is that guy Ribadu? I now also start this thinking why people are all shouting, yelling and so on just because he's sent to further his studies? This, I now again realize, would even do him better. Think of it you too. There bundles of people that might have done it better than him or could do it better than him.

Yet, am of the view that if he's to be judged by me on his actions and roles during his tenure as EFCC boss, well I can tell that, as I said earlier that he played good and bad at the same time. And thats how we are; humans. So...since he too has, either willingly or grudgingly, accepted, then the matter has finished. Thats all.

And to the Nigerian news media. Sincerely as said President spokeman; they are the ones that fuel, politicise and help mixing up everything. The matter shouldn't and wouldn't have had reach such level if itsn't without their inactions.

Allah ya gyara, amin.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: sheriff 05 on December 30, 2007, 10:24:37 PM
Malam Nurudeen,
I would be lying if I didn't say how much I understand your sentiments at this point in time. I agree with you wholeheartedly that our situation is dire. I understand Waziri's sentiments as well as I personally know how much effort he has made towards solutions for Arewa. I also agree with you that despite immense lip service, even the leaders with whom we associate hope, never seem to deliver.

Salam all,

Thanks Sheriff, Admin, and all for the insightful comments as I think it necessary here to join you in appealing to Nuruddeen not to throw in the towel and tread the path of cowardice by committing a reckless psychological suicide as suicide is a monopoly of the defeated, the daunted ones.

As for me, it is true that we did certain things with Nuruddeen, in our little way, which we felt should have formed a platform for achieving greater things for our people but at the end we were not very lucky. But as Admin observed, my conviction has always seen the problem of Nigeria in the light of system malfunction NOT of personalities being bad. Nuhu Ribadu or the people mentioned by Nuruddeen are all players in a paradigm, pattern, schedule that one system dictates in a very forceful momentum and as such just as we act according to the dictates of systematic weather, extreme cold, extreme hot  and whatever, so also everybody does thing in Nigeria according to the dictates of Nigeria's administrative, social and political setting.  And just as we cannot blame individual person for extreme cold or hotness of our whether we can also never  blame individuals for the problems of Nigeria or Northern Nigeria. This I discussed, at length, with many colleagues and friends in many a different ways and circumstances. I think if Sheriff can remember it was one among many subjects we treated some days before he left the country for Britain. 

But even then, I must confess that  I once discussed, in confidence, with Nuruddeen, few years away, how I intend to stay away from  much public commentary with the view of looking at other issues of life that also need serious attention. Some of them are of course personal but the crux of the matter is:

1. I and many of my comrades in struggle are indeed very young minds with training in specialized disciplines like Engineering, Pure Science, Law, Environment and Industry Design, and Information Technology.   

2. Struggle to save our people requires first struggle to save ourselves  and record in Nigerian history has shown many in the past abandoning their profession for the sake of activism to save societies, but they end up being beggars in that same society.

3. The central issue in the 21st century revolves around economic strength and our people are very far left behind in Nigeria not to speak of the world stage.

Therefore considering the above mentioned realities I suggested to all my comrades to take a break in our politics, intellectualism and activism in order to see first the mark we will live, in our differing disciplines, before we launch ourselves back into the stage to see how much we can give back to our society. Then, we wouldn't need any 'bigman' to contribute or donate, time and resources, but rather we will donate ourselves, to the accomplishments of our ends in this century as true representatives of the grand moral concepts and precepts abundant in the heritage of the region today known as Northern Nigeria.

This, however, I stressed, in my opinion, should not mean we should completely go into oblivion without writing a word even when we feel free enuff to do that.

Well, I think Nuruddeen may not have fully grasped the basic principle behind my idea then and now he is saying he would do the worst by completely pulling out of the social world to retire in the full of financial and business world. Well, at the risk of sounding prescriptive, I think that could be devastating psychologically and morally unsettling. Whatever the case maybe, I hope Nuruddeen will reconsider some aspects of his decision and effect moderation as Prophet(SAW) advised.

In my own little way I always say I will not allow worldly problems to deter my delightful moments since life is not always about serious things and if it is about them it means that they come and pass as we meet our luck and destiny in the circle of misery. As such:

There is no better story than this we live
For we only live once and die
Why then do I cry
Let me laugh till the day I die

I remain most grateful



Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on January 07, 2008, 09:41:34 AM
So indicting innocent ppl as thieves, while allowing "biggerthieves" to continue to have a field day is not evil? Do you know govs like Odili are forced at gun point, while others are threaten by trumped-up charges by the EFCC to withdraw their presidential ambition for "Yaradua?. That is not evil? Isn't it ironic and contradictary that the President ?('Yar'adua) you refused to acknowledge, that you kept on insisting that he lacks legitimacy, was brought on to power by Ribadu's help? All the scheming, the intimidation, the arrests, the 419 results were largely orchestrated by the EFCC? Funny you would support Ribadu, and not 'Yar'adua. One is the product of the other, you know.
Indicting innocent ppl as thieves.. who are those innocent ppl? Joshua Dariye?  alame...what ever? ibori? Saminu Turaki? and all the cohorts of govt officials left right and centre? Give me a break!!! >:(
Besides EFCC doesnt go after anyone unless someone brings in a complaint or petition against him/her; then they follow up the complaint and if there is no truth in the allegations, they let it go. Even Yeriman Bakura agreed that this was how EFCC operated and he was roped in at one time. His only grouse was that those who falsely accused should be brought to book as well.

If govs like odili were forced at gun point to give in to 'Yar adua, was it Nuhu Rubadu or EFCC that pointed the gun at them? or was it EFCC that trumped up charges against the others who were made to give up?
'Yar adua lacks legitimacy I say it now and Isay it forever... Nuhu R had nothing to do with his assuming power. He was just doing his job of sanitation. What you fail to realize is that 90% of all politicians in Nigeria are corrupt. So if someone was brought to book on some trumped up charge, it cant have been trumped, it must be one of the skeletons lyiing in his cupboard that was brought out  dusted and presented to the him. Otherwise ai there was Buhari, why couldnt they trump up charges against him. Akwai ibrahim shekarau who was framed by some pdp stalwarts and he was cleared by the very Nuhu R. whom you are so eager to denigrate.
It is true that PDP did try to push opponents down through allegations, but this was only after a skeleton in the opponents cupboard had seen the light of day. That kuma is not the fault of Nuhu R. His job was to weed out corrupt politicians and present the case against them. What the powers that be do with the information, cannot be held against him. I will reiterate: Nuhu Ribadu had nothing to do with "Yar adua coming to power. Given the tenacity of that old gentleman OBJ, since he was bent on seeing that Yar adua become incumbent, it would have happened by the Will of Allah (Letting them have their way), with or without Nuhu Ribadu around.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Allah ya saka maka da alkhairi Malam Waziri, wallahi I must
confess that this is one of the most tourching post i ever
read in this our forum, because it is full of real life theory
that if followed is the safest and surest way to achieving
ones goal in life.

When Rasulullah (SAW) was being persecuted in Mecca and
did Hijra to Medina, so many sahabas suggested that why
not go for war with the Meccans, but the Prophet keep on
telling his people "Kuffu aydiyakum" ku kame hannayenku.

Malam Waziri, you have so really made me feel proud of myself
for this is what I believe also, if you want to fight for a cause,
then be well prepared and ready to face it, that was how
Ojukwu bluff his men into war without fully prepared for the
war and at the end, they suffered without achieving their aim.

At any point in time, assume you have soldiers who are ready
to march with you - i raise my hands up in support.

To Nuruddeen, the ball is now rolling towards your leg, we will
encourage and support you fighting for a cause which you
believe in, but only if your retreat (not surrender) is to put your
house in FULL order, we will also match with you my Big Brother.

Ke kuma Auntyn Muhsin, I know you wont give up that easily,
saboda you have some scores to settle with His Excellency.

"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


What I fail to understand is why that lousy ex-soldier, Col Umar, began yapping his ignorant mouth last week and calling for Ribadu to quit his job as EFCC boss. Just because a few misguided elements suggested that Umar may be a likely candidate to replace Ribadu once his re-assaignment, Umar then did the most unclassy thing openly 'campaigning' against Ribadu as if the damn thing was an election.
I was just so turned off by his ridiculous and outrageous conduct. That uncultured Nigerian army mentality is still afflicting him as it does David Mark from time to time. What can Col. Umar bring to the table in terms of organizational leadership?
I may not have been totally impressed with Ribadu, and I understand the complex conditions in which he worked, but I give him credit for building that agency and giving it a face of what a crime fighting machinery could be in later years. It requires great skills, dedication, intelligence, vision, management, leadership, and law enforcement experience to build such an organization from the scratch.

I have no knowledge of any imaginary or real achievement that Col. Umar can brag of in all his years in the 'public' service besides yapping his big mouth whenever the press gives him audience. What a Cow!!!!!


Quote from: HUSNAA on January 07, 2008, 02:06:06 PM
Indicting innocent ppl as thieves.. who are those innocent ppl? Joshua Dariye?  alame...what ever? ibori? Saminu Turaki? and all the cohorts of govt officials left right and centre? Give me a break!!!
Besides EFCC doesnt go after anyone unless someone brings in a complaint or petition against him/her; then they follow up the complaint and if there is no truth in the allegations, they let it go. Even Yeriman Bakura agreed that this was how EFCC operated and he was roped in at one time. His only grouse was that those who falsely accused should be brought to book as well.
If govs like odili were forced at gun point to give in to 'Yar adua, was it Nuhu Rubadu or EFCC that pointed the gun at them? or was it EFCC that trumped up charges against the others who were made to give up?
'Yar adua lacks legitimacy I say it now and Isay it forever... Nuhu R had nothing to do with his assuming power. He was just doing his job of sanitation. What you fail to realize is that 90% of all politicians in Nigeria are corrupt. So if someone was brought to book on some trumped up charge, it cant have been trumped, it must be one of the skeletons lyiing in his cupboard that was brought out  dusted and presented to the him. Otherwise ai there was Buhari, why couldnt they trump up charges against him. Akwai ibrahim shekarau who was framed by some pdp stalwarts and he was cleared by the very Nuhu R. whom you are so eager to denigrate.
It is true that PDP did try to push opponents down through allegations, but this was only after a skeleton in the opponents cupboard had seen the light of day. That kuma is not the fault of Nuhu R. His job was to weed out corrupt politicians and present the case against them. What the powers that be do with the information, cannot be held against him. I will reiterate: Nuhu Ribadu had nothing to do with "Yar adua coming to power. Given the tenacity of that old gentleman OBJ, since he was bent on seeing that Yar adua become incumbent, it would have happened by the Will of Allah (Letting them have their way), with or without Nuhu Ribadu around.

Of course Dariye & co are corrupt. No one's saying anything contrary. Notice I said "those he indicted". Not arrested. I was reffering to that Execution List prepared by Ribadu at the behest of Obj to clear the way for his favourites. So tell me, can you name one person in the good books of Obj who is investigated and arrested by the EFCC? Even Yarima, whom Ribadu had specifically mentioned as the "biggest thief of all" is now off the radar. Him and Turaki. Know why? They've all atoned. One has joined the PDP, while the other was one of the very first to publicly at the floor of the senate 'accept' OBJ's excellent choice of Yaradua for Nigeria. Sunday Afolabi? The National ID Card scam? But why go on? These are a few of the korokoro cases in which Ribadu deftly swept under the carpet, ba kunya ba tsoron Allah. Bcos he was not ordered to. He's a hatchet man, doing his masters' bid. It is all a sham.

You know what? You beginning to sound like some of those politicians. It goes to show there's politics in everyone of us. So PDP blackmaling opponents thru Ribadu is okay since "they already have skeletons" right? And it wasn't EFCC/Ribadu that forced Odili and co at gun point to step down for yaradua? And it wasn't Ribadu that helped put 'Yardua there? What planet were you living on at that time? Or was it just a deliberate denial to suit your view? I guess the grass is black, and the sun set in the North.

Give up the the 'denial'. It doesn't suit you. It reeks of contradiction. You know, though are pretending not to - that Ribadu has helped in NO SMALL MEASURE to put 'Yardua on that very throne you claimed is illegitimate. OBJ does not personally go out to rig the election. Ppl did it for him. The military and police to intimidate voters, EFCC/Ribadu to 'weed out' any threat to 'Yaradua's candidacy right from the primaries. And INEC to declare fake results. That's how it happened. It is public knowledge here.
So you take the good and the bad. Just remember that anytime you're condemning 'Yaradua and eulogizing Ribadu that they are birds of the same feather. They not only flock together, one helped give birth to the other. It is funny you agree it is Allah's will that put 'Yar'adua there, and still refuse to acknowledge/accept him.

And lastly, Ribadu did not personally cleared Shekarau. Or any of the others on that list for that matter; All hell was breaking loose due to the shamelessness of what Ribadu was trying to achieve by that list. The sh1t was literally beginning to hit the fan! And INEC had no choice but to include their names in the candidates list, due to public outcry, court injunctions here and there etc. Repeat, at no point did Ribadu state that he cleared Shekarau. He's not that civil, or honest enough.

hafiz amin umar

KAI MAZA SANNUNKU DA FAFATAWA!Lalle nigeria tayi dace da samari/yammata masu hazaka da tunanani irinku.
While to me the issue is very simple to resolve,wether there is ribadu or not nigeria most face reality,corruption and all its ramification must be wiped out completely,the challenge is ours all we need to do is to strive hard,study hard so that when our time comes we will address the situation without acrimony,ALLAH zai iya daukan ran ribadu ayau!then what will be next?dole asamu wani da zai maye gurbinsa,right?so don ALLAH mucigaba da addua ALLAH yasa shine mafi alheri,yakuma bamu wani wanda yafishi kishin nigeria,AUNTY HUSNA,UNCLE MUHSIN,BABA DAN BARNO,MR CAKENAH and the rest,we should all try our best to see that corruption is eliminated completely,ALLAH YABAMU SAA AMIN KUMA ALLAH YA BAWA WANI MU IKO NA KORAR CIN HANCI A NIGERIA. AMINN


Alla ya bar Hafizu dan Malam.  Matsalan ba anan kadai take
ba, bayan addu'a, yanayin aikin gwamnati itace babbar
hanya da take sa jama'a yin sata tattare da irin mugun
siyasar da muke yi a kasar nan.

We wont relent in our effort to pray, however, the whole
educational, political and administrative setup na kasannan
ya zamo dole ayi revisiting din su with a view to sustain
the image of this country and do away with any means
possible that will abate any form of corruption.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: hafiz amin umar on January 15, 2008, 09:03:50 PM

Kai Malam Hafiz! Don't me make me break-up! In na rantse ba kaffara you are older than me. time, uh. Xnks.

Two days, you don't log-in here as usual. Wish you are doing fine up there.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


did you know that EFCC ust married ICPC? what can you say about that?
If all the trees on earth were pen
and all the sea, with seven more besides, was ink,
God's words would not run dry


To Allah Ya basu 'ya'ya  nagari wanda za su yi wa kasa aiki ameen
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: arubuta on January 17, 2008, 12:31:23 AM
did you know that EFCC ust married ICPC? what can you say about that?

When did this happen? I dai know about it, saying they should be married but some people were against that idea then.

To me, personally, their marriage would be better 'cuz both are doing same thing.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.