Benazir Bhutto assassinated.

Started by HUSNAA, December 27, 2007, 06:42:23 PM

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Quote from: Dave_McEwan_Hill on December 28, 2007, 03:50:05 PM
I am encouaraged by the sensible posts on Kano Online on this evil deed.
That is the most unflattering thing u have ever said about members of kanoonline Dave. What did u expect us to do? Dance with joy over her death or support her murderers? It seems to me that u've never really understood our mentality as muslims.. just like Ete never did although he was prejudiced, but I always thought u were more open minded.. seems I was wrong.

Oh yes and something else; your tone is very patronizing.. encouraged by sensible posts indeed! Every one here is a sensible adult and these 'sensible' posts are not a one off thing that should be applauded for being there
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum

dan kauye


I somewhat  understand your sentiments now.And although Bhutto and Musharaff may have had a few mutual interests, in that both are anti Taliban/al-Quaeda,and by implication pro-west,I'm not convinced that the two may have colluded on the sly.IMO,beyond the parallax of superficial political glitz ,lies nothing that put the two in the same box;irrespective of her questionable past,Bhutto has a vision and represent,at the very least,the desired reality of the average Pakistani.Wouldn't it have been an absolute paradox to be friends and enemies with the same person? I'm just saying..
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


Quote from: dan kauye on December 28, 2007, 08:14:42 PM

I somewhat  understand your sentiments now.And although Bhutto and Musharaff may have had a few mutual interests, in that both are anti Taliban/al-Quaeda,and by implication pro-west,I'm not convinced that the two may have colluded on the sly.IMO,beyond the parallax of superficial political glitz ,lies nothing that put the two in the same box;irrespective of her questionable past,Bhutto has a vision and represent,at the very least,the desired reality of the average Pakistani.Wouldn't it have been an absolute paradox to be friends and enemies with the same person? I'm just saying..

Bhutto's  assassination is a clear case of man's inhumanity to man. May God expose the miscreants who committed this heinous act. To me she's a woman of substance who believed in her conscience and her struggle. To Bhutto, the future lies in our struggle and our commitments. I wish her well in the hereafter.

Her closeness or relationship with Musharraf over the al-qaedas and talibans is quite vague and superficial. Though she believed in her own course, but that does nt ascertain her support to Musharraf who was supported and  lured by the  Americans to fight war on terror. I believe Bhutto was a woman with passion for peace and human rights. She had the personal temerity to fight any injustice in Pakistan. She then tended to draw a multitude of crowd when intiating her own course and at the end of the day, she left her enemies in quandary. They tried several times to get her intimidated but they got intimidated; they tried to eliminate her but majority of them got eliminated.

Now that Bhutto was assassinated, we should raise our hands and supplicate by asking Allah to forgive her sins and atrocities(if any). Every one of us should not be carried away by the spur of the moments since all of us are living in a violent world. And nobody knows his/her beginning or end. Only that one has to, and most pray to have a good one. Once again, I wish Bhutto well in the herafter. May Allah Give her family the courage to bear this unquantifiable loss.

Ma, I rejoice with you for having a successful end. Your killer has gotten away with, but all your sins free of-charge. Allah ya jikan ki da rahama. Mace mai kamar maza.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


I find your post sadly insulting.
I repeat - I am greatly encouraged by the sensible posts on this awful deed on Kano Online. You may have forgotten some of the less acceptable posts on this forum in the past professing support for the activities of extremists. I have not.
It's really quite amazing how touchy some people are when it is obvious that the religion of peace is used as an excuse by some of its misguided adherents to indulge in mayhem.


Quote from: Dave_McEwan_Hill on December 28, 2007, 10:36:39 PM
I find your post sadly insulting.

Apologies tendered Dave; not meant to be insulting, just peer to peer telling off that's all. Anyway, it was one of those off days when all the hormones are awry...  :)
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Assalamu alaikum,
The more the facts emerge about the killing of this Woman the more clearer it is that the enemies of Islam are behind it. They want to plunge another Muslim Nation into Chaos. Allah Ya Isa.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Quote from: EMTL on December 28, 2007, 09:57:17 AM
Quote from: Dan-Borno on December 28, 2007, 09:43:29 AM
Quote from: HUSNAA on December 28, 2007, 09:29:07 AM
Alquaeda has claimed responsibility. I heard it on the news some moments ago.

What did they say was their reason for the assasination?

Assalamu alaikum,
FBI is claiming that it sources linked the Murder to Alqaeeda....... While i think those who wants Musharri and himself are the likely persons responsible. Allah (SWT) ya jkanta da sauran dukkan Musulimi- tun daga Annabi Adam (AS) har zuwa Tashin Qiyamah-amiyn.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Thanks, Husnaa.
I am pro Islam and support the central message of peace and charity that dominate all the world's major religions.
The one God is central to all of them no matter what the name is.
But I can see violent lunatics who associate themselves with all religions and it is very important that their evil is denounced before our young people are infected by it. Silence is not an option.
Respect is the key.
I respect your right to hold your beliefs even when they differ from my beliefs and all I would ask is that across the world every person has the right to hold beliefs and practice their religion (or none) freely so long as it does no harm to any other person.
What a happy world we might then have and how happy God would be.
A good New Year to you and all at Kano Online.
" For a' that and a' that
  It's coming yet for a' that
  That man to man the world over
  Shall brothers be, for a' that"

hafiz amin umar

 may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace,she was a true natonalist spnding her entire life in fighting for equity,transprency,accountality,peace,unity,democracy and good governance.upcouse as you rightly says this heneous act will onteneneu to linger in every ones memory.while ALAH YATNA ASIRIN KOSUWAYE.


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on December 28, 2007, 08:58:22 AM
:'( Oh, what made her come back? She shouldn't have, seeing her the country is at the mo. It was too naive of her to believe she would be safe.
Lol BKG! Mutum baya shige kwanakin sa a duniya! :-\ Ajali ne ya dawo da ita.. like MYSELF said. I still cant imagine her dead though. Its like a dreamy situation.. I say to myself Benazir Bhutto and I only see a woman on a podium campaigning or being interviewed. To think of her gone forever, it  still feels surreal :(
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: dan kauye on December 27, 2007, 11:54:26 PM
Husna,cud you please elaborate on the reason as to why you thought Bhutto in an undercover Musharraf advocate?

Well i think she was attacked because she is following the concepts of Musharraf which is American Democracy system of Government and their interest. You know that at one time Musharraf orderd the closing of some Islamic schools in pakistan claiming that they were terrorist meeting centers and hiding places. Once you wage a war on terrorism now adays is like you are waging war on islam, because the so called terrorist are the muslims in conflict with america. Many pakistani were infact happy at the turn of the event except of course her village citizens! Allah Knows best. May her soul rest in peace!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


This phone conversation was tapped and claimed to be
by some al-qaeda chieftains.

Maulvi Sahib (MS): Asalaam Aleikum (Peace be with you)

Baitullah Mehsud (BM): Waleikum Asalam (And also with you)

MS: Chief, how are you?

BM: I am fine.

MS: Congratulations, I just got back during the night.

BM: Congratulations to you, were they our men?

MS: Yes they were ours.

BM: Who were they?

MS: There was Saeed, there was Bilal from Badar and Ikramullah.

BM: The three of them did it?

MS: Ikramullah and Bilal did it.

BM: Then congratulations.

MS: Where are you? I want to meet you.

BM: I am at Makeen (town in South Waziristan tribal region), come over, I am at Anwar Shah's house.

MS: OK, I'll come.

BM: Don't inform their house for the time being.


BM: It was a tremendous effort. They were really brave boys who killed her.

MS: Mashallah (Thank God). When I come I will give you all the details.

BM: I will wait for you. Congratulations, once again congratulations.

MS: Congratulations to you.

BM: Anything I can do for you?

MS: Thank you very much.

BM: Asalaam Aleikum.

MS: Waaleikum Asalaam.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Assalamu alaikum,
Benazir Bhutto's 19-year-old son will succeed her as chairman of the Pakistan People's Party, which will take part in upcoming elections, officials announced Sunday.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Quote from: Dan-Borno on December 30, 2007, 03:50:41 PM
This phone conversation was tapped and claimed to be
by some al-qaeda chieftains.

Maulvi Sahib (MS): Asalaam Aleikum (Peace be with you)

Baitullah Mehsud (BM): Waleikum Asalam (And also with you)

MS: Chief, how are you?

BM: I am fine.

MS: Congratulations, I just got back during the night.

BM: Congratulations to you, were they our men?

MS: Yes they were ours.

BM: Who were they?

MS: There was Saeed, there was Bilal from Badar and Ikramullah.

BM: The three of them did it?

MS: Ikramullah and Bilal did it.

BM: Then congratulations.

MS: Where are you? I want to meet you.

BM: I am at Makeen (town in South Waziristan tribal region), come over, I am at Anwar Shah's house.

MS: OK, I'll come.

BM: Don't inform their house for the time being.


BM: It was a tremendous effort. They were really brave boys who killed her.

MS: Mashallah (Thank God). When I come I will give you all the details.

BM: I will wait for you. Congratulations, once again congratulations.

MS: Congratulations to you.

BM: Anything I can do for you?

MS: Thank you very much.

BM: Asalaam Aleikum.

MS: Waaleikum Asalaam.

Assalamu alaikum,
This written script could earn a Hollywood award.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).

Muhsin almost many days ago; I don't know why am late here. And thus all thats rightly to be said have been said by you people. But still think there is something a bit I would like to add.

Frankly speaking I lack much sentiment feeling toward that rather brave woman. Why? She perfectly did know of Pakistan volatile polical situation but was adamant in spite of the incalculable death threat she had been recieving always. As I see somebody (Husnaa, I think) have mentioned her statement that no good muslim would kill. Hmm...thats just a hunch. These pakistanees could easily do it as they did it already.

And moreover, when some few weeks ago I was listening to a BBC World Have Your Say Program; many callers from there were completely against her political ideology. Was really surprise up till one polical analyst elaborated it as; when she was PM of Pakistan, she did nothing tangible and why should she thinks now? Musharraf was a better person for Pakistanis and Pakistan.

And there are lots to say about that woman. But lastly my prayer to her is for Allah to judge her accordingly.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.